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2002 Tour Schedule

* 2003 schedule to be determined. Keirra is giving birth (again) so we'll see how that goes before planning our new season. Meanwhile, Sheila has made the first partial wWw appearance at a Siouxland Renaissance Association event and we have proof!

See what we did last year...

Although nothing is set in stone until the laundry line is up, here is a list of places we think you might be able to find the wenches in 2003*. In most cases, the events listed are ones the wenches performed at last year. They might not get invited back this year (or, more likely, their egos will be so swelled they won't accept the gig without their own private dressing room) so don't just show up expecting to see them without first writing a bunch of letters to the festival telling them you are only coming because you just have to see the wenches ;-) (Hey, it couldn't hurt!)

All appearances listed below are tentative and subject to change!
(In some cases, the event listed may not even know we want to perform there yet...)

"pending acceptance" means we have auditioned/applied but have not heard back yet.
"we plan to audition" means we plan to audition.
"Huzzah!" means they have contacted us and told us they will be sending us a contract. THIS DOES NOT GUARANTEE we will be there.
"contract received" means we've received a contract and, barring any unforeseen circumstances, we will be there.


12th Night Banquet (Siouxland Ren Association).
Sioux Falls, SD
(This was a masquerade ball fund raiser for the Siouxland Renaissance Association. Mistress Sheila made the trek to South Dakota to frolic.)


Proposed script writing and promo pictures.


More proposed script writing and promo pictures.


Proposed dress rehearsals.


Proposed first gigs of the season.

June Proposed first hot gigs of the season.

We will consider events for this month, especially if they are indoors with air conditioning. Wanna hire us?

Too hot. (And I'm not just talking about Sheila...)


We will consider events for this month also, especially if they are indoors with air conditioning. Wanna hire us?

Still too hot, so we wouldn't mind some indoor gigs.

September ...



Too cold. Must eat turkey.


Off for the holidays.

* Schedule subject to change. Please check this site occasionally for the latest updates, or often if you just want to see the same information over and over again.

"Being the center of attention since 1502."
© MMI-MMII by Wenchville and the Washer Well Wenches.
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Hosted by AtTheFaire.com. Made on a Mac. Wench Different™.

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